Coulee Auto

Sell Us Your Car

It's fast, easy, and you'll get a great price. Plus, there's no pressure — we'll buy your car even if you don't buy one from us.

Vehicle Information1 / 4

Get started by entering your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), make and model, or your license plate.

History & Condition2 / 4
Photos (Optional)3 / 4
Contact Information4 / 4
Estimated Offer5 / 4

Fast payments

Get an accurate online appraisal or stop by. Either way, you’ll have your cash in about 2 days.

Simple process

Selling privately is a hassle and a huge time commitment. Make it easy on yourself and make a deal with us.

Fair, honest pricing

Get the right price for your vehicle. You can sell to us with confidence because we stand behind all of our quotes.